
Sam Ward

Meet Sam Ward, who manages the family pig and cereal farm in Lincolnshire. On the farm, an anaerobic digester turns the animal waste into energy to power the farm buildings and the electric car chargers for staff and customers. Anything that’s left is used as a natural, low-emissions fertiliser for the cereal crops, creating a circular economy. 

The welfare of the pigs is also really important – the piglets are born indoors, allowing the team to closely monitor them and keep them warm and dry. Once they are older, the pigs have plenty of space in light, open barns.  

The cereal waste from harvesting also ensures the pigs have ample straw bedding and is also used in their animal feed, keeping them happy and healthy. 

Rob McGregor on his pig farm

Rob McGregor

Rob McGregor, a pig farmer in Norfolk, keeps his sows and piglets warm in the winter and cool in the summer with his eco-homes. He has introduced a new watering system, which halved his water usage whilst providing the sows with constant access to clean water. 

Rob also carefully manages certain varieties of grass in his fields which the pigs love to roam and graze on, keeping them full and content, which also helps to improve biodiversity above and below ground encouraging more bees and insects. 

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